
50 Art Reviews

22 w/ Responses

You have potential!

I like your linework, character, colour choice and scenery. Hell, I basically like everything about this. The lack of action and a sky detracts, but guessing that this is only a little sketch, you've done an awesome job.
Keep it up, yo, you'll go far!

This face...

I recognize it...

And it recognizes me...


Nice model, quite faithful to the original drawing. Now animate him!


Looks great, the colouring is well done, I don't know how you are able to do it digitally so well.

The problem with this in my opinion is that there are too many monotone walls of colour. The sky behind the wispy wind (which i like) looks flat, like its a wall and not a sky.

Nevertheless, the fact that you are able to improve from piece to piece proves that you are constantly learning and gaining strength as an artist, something I've only managed to do sporadically.

Luxembourg responds:

Thanks, man!
I think the reason my coloring/painting has this effect that people like that I don't seem to think much of (you're not the first to mention it) is the program I'm working in. Most do photoshop; I do Painter. Painter mimics real paint, and has loads of preset brushes with different textures and color properties to be able to give the effect of different kinds of paint. It's more suited to doing this kind of stuff. I also spent a lot of time on trying to get it to look smooth, and I think the color palette really just came naturally as I progressed.
I see what you mean with the sky, and I have to agree; it's terrible! Skies are a bit tough, and I didn't know what to aim for as far as diversifying it. I ended up going with the wind, but that really isn't enough.
Thanks for the review, my fellow Bourg. Glad you like it, and I'm especially glad you think I'm getting better!

A revolution in taco!


Kinsei responds:


Reminds me of my digital stuff...

It appears to have the same problems that mine do as well...
The composition isn't interesting at all,
Some of the rocks in the background appear 2dimensional,
I cannot pinpoint the lightsource, as the shadows look like they were simply applied in the general area they would be.

You appear to have good ideas, I hope you can develop the technical skill to harbor them! Good luck, bro.

Dakuto responds:

ye your right... this is kinda.. the first piece is did with shadows and any sort of.. background.. and i know i have to improve a lot of things.

thanks for the review though.. :3

Looks Incomplete.

Character design is neat (hueg eyes, wow).
Perspective makes no sense whatsoever.
Enviroment is devoid of details, really boring. Base colours are ok.

I'd suggest researching how to create perspective, and work on completing background. Good luck.

Artyluck responds:

It's not about background, I added it to kill emptiness, I think it's understandable cuz' back have no details at all, anyway... It was about my new coloring, clothes and proportions. :D

Thanks for your time and comments.

Artistically its awesome.

Technically, not so much.
The Right Arm is misplaced, or its been mutated from the water.
The eyes are misaligned.

Its great for a speedpaint though!

zigan responds:

A friend of mine noted the eyes to me as well, but tbh I didn't even pay attention that much. It would make more sense if something was directly infront of her face, floating or something.

Not a score that I like but thanks for the input. =/

My god, the colours...

You are very good at texturing, and a reasonable sense of shadowing.
Your anatomy must improve vastly though, as this is like pasting delicious icing on a gross cookie.

Tommy-Gun responds:

The anatomy looks fine to me. However, that doesn't mean it's perfect.

So, of course I'll keep practicing and take this into account.


You are definitley improving!
Hands look great, proportions are improved.
The only thing I see wrong is that her dress and her hair are blowing in opposite directions, or that she has too much hairgel. The shoulders are a little uneven as well.
Good concept, but will the ghosts call the morning after?

Luxembourg responds:

Curses! While I was writing the little story-thingy to go with the picture, I was hoping it wouldn't be taken sexually. It sounds sexual, but it's possession! They take your soul; I couldn't think of a way to write about someone who enjoys possession without it sounding a little sexual.
Yes. The ghosts will call back.
I've been trying to do better with anatomy and proportions, but there are some little things like her shoulders and her left wrist, which is too thin.
And as for the dress, I have no excuse. That was a massive mistake in the composition that I didn't even really think about until it was almost finished and too late to fix it.
Thanks for the review.

A fitting tribute.

Two of society's greatest menaces... Look deeply unto their hideous guises, Newgrounders, for they will be the faces of your demise!

Work all day to work all night.


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